Greensboro Politics

Keeping you up to date on what our elected officials are doing… or not doing.

Archive for the ‘Bellamy Small’ Category

Homeless in Greensboro at 20 Years Old

Posted by ryan on January 22, 2008

Note: This post may feature my opinion and is not 100% centered around Greensboro Politics.

As Greensboro argues about black books and which city employees should be fired we have homeless people (hundreds at times) sleeping on the streets each night in Greensboro. As I was pulling out of my garage last night I nearly ran over one of these individuals (he was in my blind spot as I backed out). He asked me to roll the window down, I did, and then proceeded to ask for a couple dollars so that he could stay in his room that cost $10 per night. I informed him that I did not have any cash and that I was sorry I couldn’t help him. This individual is a bit different than the average person you see walking the streets. Why? He is only 20 years old.

Before I pulled off I informed him that we have a neighborhood watch and that if any of the neighbors saw him walking behind the houses that they would likely call the police. I shared this information with him because I didn’t want him to end up in jail.

My girlfriend and I pulled off and proceeded to go eat dinner. As I drove away I looked at her and said “that breaks my freaking heart.” During dinner we talked about our encounter and I discussed some ideas on how to help the individual.

After dinner we were driving down Elm on our way home and I saw the young man again. The temperature was below freezing and I felt as though I simply had to help him. I pulled over on Washington, got out of the car (locked doors and told girlfriend to stay in the car) and backtracked to talk to the individual.

A short introduction allowed me to learn that Scott is 20 years old and is from Massachusetts. He is awaiting the arrival of his birth certificate (supposedly getting it on Wed) so that he can get an ID to stay in the shelters for free. I didn’t have a bit of cash on me so I told him to walk with me to the ATM on Green St. I know you might think I am insane for doing this… but I could not allow Scott to stay on the street. I got some cash and before I handed it over I said, “Scott, you have to understand that just like you I currently do not have a job (full-time). We all have hard times, yours are just harder than mine at the moment. If I find out you take this money and throw it away (drugs) then it will teach me to never help another person like yourself ever again.” He looked straight at me and said “I understand.”

As we walked back towards Elm I asked him if he had any interest in working and he simply said “Yes.” I will save you the details and simply say I am going to talk with some folks I know downtown and see if we can get Scott a job and help him get on his feet.

This post is completely off the cuff but it is something I wanted to bring awareness to. As you were sitting in your house last night there was a 20 year old guy that almost spent the night outside. Can you imagine that? I can’t.

I have sent an email to Bellamy Small and Wells asking them what they are currently doing for the many homeless individuals that call the streets of their district “home.” Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Bellamy Small, Goldie Wells, Homeless | 2 Comments »

New City Council’s Strengths & Weaknesses

Posted by ryan on December 4, 2007

The new City Council will be sworn into office later this evening and Yvonne Johnson will officially make history as Greensboro’s first African American/female mayor.  The News & Record has created a list of each member’s strengths and weaknesses as well as their potential allies.  The average age of this City Council is 54.8 years old.

Yvonne Johnson

Age: 65

Position: Mayor

Strengths: Skilled at resolving conflicts. Conveys a reasoned, measured tone. Gentle but not a pushover.

Weaknesses: Lack of experience. The mayor’s job is overwhelming, even for a seasoned politician such as Johnson. Balancing career, family and city business is a tough act.

Potential allies: Groat, Perkins, Bellamy-Small, Wells and Barber. An alliance-builder, Johnson likely will seek support from Rakestraw, Matheny and Wade.

Sandra Anderson Groat

Age: 62

Position: At-large and likely mayor pro tem (as top vote-getter in the election).

Strengths: Follows her heart when voting. Willingness to change her mind and her vote.

Weaknesses: Perceived as too soft-spoken during first term, something she promised during her campaign to correct.

Potential allies: Johnson, Bellamy-Small and Wells on social or racial issues; Rakestraw, Barber and Wade on curbing city spending.

Robbie Perkins

Age: 52

Position: At-large

Strengths: Familiarity with city government. Has close working relationship and friendship with Johnson. Smart, savvy and passionate about making Greensboro better.

Weaknesses: Ties to development community, which make him vulnerable to questions about conflicts of interest.

Potential allies: Johnson, Bellamy-Small, Wells and Groat on social or racial issues; possibly Matheny on growth and development.

Mary Rakestraw

Age: 60

Position: At-large

Strengths: Not afraid to disagree with the powers that be. Keeps in touch with constituents’ concerns.

Weaknesses: As a county commissioner, she was one of the more factional members, and that’s saying a lot.

Potential allies: Wade and maybe Barber, though the two sparred as commissioners.

T. Dianne Bellamy-Small

Age: 55

Position: District 1

Strengths: Passionate about helping the poor; keeps in close contact with constituents.

Weaknesses: Doesn’t work well with others; interprets disagreement as criticism.

Potential allies: Johnson and Wells, and possibly Groat and Perkins on social issues and racial matters.

Goldie Wells

Age: 65

Position: District 2

Strengths: Strong supporter of community activism. Visible presence in community. Not shy about questioning the positions of other council members.

Weaknesses: Avoids publicly discussing controversial issues for fear of appearing negative (her bold resolution supporting the Truth and Reconciliation Project notwithstanding).

Potential allies: Johnson and Bellamy-Small, and Perkins and Groat on some issues.

Zack Matheny

Age: 34

Position: District 3

Strengths: Youth, an underrepresented demographic on the City Council.

Weaknesses: Drew attention during the campaign for his roll of contributors, which included powerful developers and attorneys.

Potential allies: Too soon to tell.

Mike Barber

Age: 45

Position: District 4

Strengths: Willing to consider unconventional ways to save taxpayers money.

Weaknesses: Often finds himself on the wrong end of an 8-1 vote, which can alien ate him from other members; bluntness about wasteful spending can make city employees bristle.

Potential allies: Wade and possibly Rakestraw; Groat on lowering spending and other financial issues; Perkins on boosting Greensboro’s image.

Trudy Wade

Age: 56

Position: District 5

Strengths: Decisive, hard-working, inquisitive. She’ll make city staffers earn their keep.

Weaknesses: Was known to criticize county employees at commissioner meetings; sometimes reluctant to compromise.

Potential allies: Barber, Rakestraw, Groat (on money matters

Posted in Anderson-Groat, Bellamy Small, City Council, Goldie Wells, Mary Rakestraw, Mayor, Mike Barber, Robby Perkins, Trudy Wade, Yvonne Johnson, Zack Matheny | 1 Comment »

GTCC Taps Into Land Surrounding PTI- City Still Has No Plan

Posted by ryan on November 29, 2007

GTCC is purchasing 97 acres 2 miles from PTI to build another major campus that could have up to 14 buildings and thousands of parking spaces.  College officials said the land is an ideal location to expand the community college’s transportation and aviation courses and to build a business and industry training center in an area of extensive development.

“The college will spend about $19 million from a 2004 bond to buy the land and pay for the first building – the training center. That could be official by January.

GTCC leaders hope to ask for another $46 million in a May 2008 referendum to complete the rest of the proposed campus, college officials said Wednesday.” (News & Record)

I recently sent the following questions to members of the City Council:

  1. How is or will City Council plan for area around airport?
  2. Is there a comprehensive plan out there that divides the areas into zones for what would be appropriate for the land – industrial, retail, commercial, etc.?
  3. Will our council plan accordingly with this valuable asset like Dallas/Ft. Worth, or will our area around the airport go the way of Memphis where they allowed unchecked development and now have to go back and spend more money to fix-up the area because it has become an eye-sore due to lack of planning?

According to Robby Perkins, the City does “not yet” have a plan that divides the areas into zones for what would be appropriate for the land surrounding the airport.  T. Dianne Bellamy-Small was kind enough to respond but she simply referred me to Ben Brown who is in charge of economic development.  I then emailed Mr. Brown and have not received a response.

Read the full article on the GTCC expansion here.

Posted in Bellamy Small, Boards & Commissions, City Council, Development, Robby Perkins, Zoning Commission | Leave a Comment »

Bellamy-Small Responds to PTI Questions…

Posted by ryan on November 15, 2007

T. Diane Bellamy-Small is the third council member to respond to questions that I sent all members of the City Council Wednesday (11-14) morning.

If you missed the post the questions were:

  1. How is or will city council plan for area around airport? 
  2. Is there a comprehensive plan out there that divides the areas into zones for what would be appropriate for the land – industrial, retail, commercial, etc.? 
  3. Will our council plan accordingly with this valuable asset like Dallas/Ft. Worth, or will our area around the airport go the way of Memphis where they allowed unchecked development and now have to go back and spend more money to fix-up the area because it has become an eye-sore due to lack of planning?

The response from Bellamy-Small is not exactly what I was looking for… but at least she took the time to respond (see below).

“I suggest you talk with Ben Brown who is in charge of our economic development. Also you can request zoning maps of the area from our zoning dept. Thank you TDBS.”

I have not yet received a response from Mr. Brown.

Posted in Bellamy Small, City Council, Development | Leave a Comment »