Greensboro Politics

Keeping you up to date on what our elected officials are doing… or not doing.

Greensboro Resident Says All Parts of City Need Crime Meetings

Posted by ryan on January 31, 2008

In a recent Letters to the Editor piece Nicole Fauble, a Greensboro resident, points out that all parts of the city need meetings about crime. Read her letter below.

“The homicide that occurred recently in New Irving Park is without a doubt a tragedy. Lives lost due to crime are a serious matter. With this increase in crime, Greensboro must find a way to help the community.The meeting that happened in Mendenhall Middle School Jan. 22 for the New Irving Park homicide is a great first step to educate the public. Yet a question must be raised as to why this meeting happened for New Irving Park residents when homicides and burglaries happen frequently in low-income neighborhoods.

I have not read of any recent attempts of the police department holding community forums to address those issues. We need to address crime as a whole city, a functioning community. To address crime in different areas of Greensboro and not as a whole is just not effective if the police department truly wants to lower crime rates and inform the public.Nicole Fauble

Editor’s note: City leaders and police officials have scheduled meetings in other parts of the city dealing with crime, including the teen gang problem and the East Market Street robberies.”

Should we as a city continue to hold meetings that focus on specific neighborhoods or should we have city wide meetings that make an effort to unite Greensboro as a whole?

One Response to “Greensboro Resident Says All Parts of City Need Crime Meetings”

  1. We should put more cops on the street in marked patrol cars. Meetings do very little except to give ineffective incumbent politricksters more time in the public eye thus solidifying their seats.

    I don’t know about you but I’ve yet to see a single gangsta’ arrested at any of the meetings I’ve attended.

    Yeah, as usual I have a bad attitude but I was a victim of gang violence in Greensboro before you were born and the city continues to deny the real degree of our problems or offer effective solutions.

    Things have only gotten worse even though we continue to have meetings.

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