Greensboro Politics

Keeping you up to date on what our elected officials are doing… or not doing.

Council Members Comments on the “Black Book” & Questions for You

Posted by ryan on January 18, 2008

Margaret Banks of the News & Record has a story in today’s paper reporting that members of the city council saw the “black book” that has been at the center of the Greensboro Police Department (GPD) fiasco.

She writes “Members said they can’t elaborate on the contents, saying it could jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation connected to two former Greensboro police officers.

But they would say this much: The book is real.

“There was so much talk about the ‘black book,’ and all of the sudden it’s in your lap,” said Councilman Zack Matheny . “Wow, here it is. It exists.”

Matheny said he looked at the book — just briefly, though, because “it’s kind of a dirty feeling.””

Mary Rakestraw said “”I still feel that something is missing,” she said. “I can’t put my finger on it.”

Councilman Mike Barber said the book is “not particularly titillating.” He said the community should stop focusing on the racial aspects and leave the issue in the past.  “The city of Greensboro will become the great city it can be if there is never another discussion that is predicated on race,” he said.

Questions- Would you feel better about the city if you saw the “black book?”  Would you feel better if Johnson was fired?  How about if Bellamy was fired?  If you are upset by the Wray situation/GPD fiasco, what would make you feel better about the city?

4 Responses to “Council Members Comments on the “Black Book” & Questions for You”

  1. Spag said

    I’m still not on your blogroll.

  2. Spag said

    I take that back. I see it now.

  3. Bill Knight said

    Zack Metheney should explain what he meant when he said he felt dirty after seeing the black book (copies). What did he see that led him to make this comment?

    If the black book had additional items associated with it the city manager was remiss by not providing it to members of the City Council, or explaining its omission.

    Regarding the city manager’s status, I have spoken with a number of influential citizens, including former city employees, each of whom said the city will be on the road to recovery only when there is a new city manager. The manager must command wide respect among citizens and city employees. I do not think our manager meets that standard of support. For the betterment of the community he should be offered a severance package that asks him to remain on the job through June 30, and a replacement should be sought who can begin with the new fiscal year beginning July 1.

  4. Spag said

    Bill, he was never up to the job in the first place. Just look at his resume. He has no background in business or politics or government other than a program through the IOG. His college degree isn’t in management, economics, political science, public administration or business- it’s in physics.

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